Five Tips For A Woman To Keep Romance Alive
It is common for couples to lose the romance factor as their relationship matures with time. The pressures of managing household chores and responsibilities can easily take over their married life. Even though there may be many reasons why this happens, let us look at some of the ways you can keep the love alive!
Fine Dine

Couple is enjoying their date
The key to changing just eating food to fine dining is creating a lovely environment around the dining area. Lighting candles, sharing cutlery, romantic music in the background, wine, and dim night lighting could be some ideas for creating a romantic vibe. Instead of sharing cutlery, you can feed food to your partner as well. And the romantic background music is perfect for slow dancing together. Dressing up in what your partner likes to see you in or making visible efforts to look beautiful, can lighten up his mood as soon as he enters. One of the most effective ideas is making his favorite dinner and attractive plate preparations, as you must know, the easiest way to get to your man’s heart is through his stomach! Even though all these suggestions are bound to work, adding your personal touch will surely act as the cherry on top!
Open Compliments
A compliment can never fail to bring a smile on your partner’s face. Apart from praising each other’s looks, dressing, cooking, and any efforts in particular in private, complimenting in public is also important. Some examples include introducing your partner as ‘my handsome husband’, crossing eyes affectionately, a peck on the cheek once in a while, not neglecting your partner or losing yourself in the crowd, and giving a loving smile sometimes can help keep the romance alive. People might be sarcastic about ‘public display of affection or PDA’, however, it is subtly essential sometimes to show how much you love your partner and make them blush in public!
Walk And Talk
Taking romantic night walks together is a healthy bonding opportunity for the day. These walks can be planned after dinners and you and your partner can talk about the events of the day, share your feelings or just sit and listen to your favorite music together.
If walks are exhausting for your partner, then you can also sit once in a day over coffee and chat about absolutely anything and everything. Sometimes not sharing your thoughts with each other can be the reason for growing distance between a couple. So make sure you stay updated and always stay interested or attentive in each other’s lives.
The Us Time

Strolling around the park while having some short talk
Busy schedules are often the reason for declining romance in a relationship. It is essential to find that ‘us time’ or at least once in a week plan something together. Some examples include joining a class together such as couples dance class, cooking the Sunday meal together, weekend-long drive, movie marathons, go on a trip and explore the unexplored, plan a picnic, take turns to plan a surprise every week or month or simply catch up over dinners in romantic restaurants. This might be a rewarding experience if as a couple you need a boost in your married life.
Say Goodbye To Ego And Mistakes
Sometimes it is better to just let go of your partner’s faults or ignore their downfalls. Ego is essentially a destroyer of relationships and therefore one should try to keep it aside and focus on the good. There can be habits that can drive you crazy, and marriage is a challenge that requires patience and compromise. Therefore, one should forgive and forget as much as possible and own up to your mistakes. A relationship is likely to suffer if you constantly hold grudges and fight. A healthy couple should be open and positive as much as possible.
Several types of research have been conducted over the years about maintaining healthy relationships, however, adding a personal touch and showing that you truly care and want to work towards your marriage is very important. It can be difficult for some couples to keep the romance alive but even minor efforts by you can go a long way. So, give it a shot, you might hit the target!